What you should know to get started
How much will I pay in rent? Rent is based on your annual income, adjusted for household size. Contact the Manager at the number below for current rental rates.
How do I qualify? Families that earn between $26,000 and $58,000, depending on family size, will likely qualify. During the application process, you will be assisted in calculating your income properly using the most current income limits.

Fill out a complete application and submit with the $10 application fee per adult household member.
How long is my lease? You must sign a one year lease each year that you rent. At the end of approximately 15 years (from construction completion), you will receive a right of first refusal to purchase the home at appraised value.
What is included in my rent? Rent includes general neighborhood maintenance as well as all of the benefits of the home itself.

Note: Residents are responsible for all utilities, lawn care and routine home maintenance.
Pleasant Oaks of El Reno
(405) 802-8778